Metal 3D printing

At Mobius 3D Technologies we use the potential of metal 3D printing, or 'selective laser melting (SLM), to realize innovative developments and designs. We do this with our Laser Powder Bed Fusion (L-PBF) metal 3D printer and the internal expertise of our team. With this technique, metal powder is applied layer by layer from a reservoir to the building plate. Your product is melted together layer by layer using two lasers.

This production method offers endless possibilities and a lot of design freedom. Patient-specific designs can be realized and several techniques can be applied to save weight, such as the use of hollow or mesh structures and topology optimization.

Products can be realized quickly because production can take place quickly without using custom-made tools, casting molds or machining programs. In addition, multiple parts can be produced during one cycle. From prototypes and patient-specific products to series production, metal 3D printing offers the opportunity to realize your designs in a short time!



Mobius werkt met een kwaliteitsmanagementsysteem wat de ISO 13485 (medical) volgt, wat de internationale kwaliteitsnorm is voor medische hulpmiddelen. Hiermee garanderen wij de kwaliteit van al onze producten, en kunnen wij alle documenten, rapportages en certificeringen aanleveren die u nodig heeft. Denk hierbij aan bijvoorbeeld een conformiteitsverklaring (EU Certificate of Conformity (EU-CoC)) of rapportages van nabewerkingsstappen. Als u inlogt op onze website kunt u al bij documentatie zoals:

  • Material data,
  • DIN ISO 2768 standard for tolerances.


Technical specifications

For a comprehensive overview of the material data, such as the chemical composition or mechanical properties, see the document below.

Technische specificaties


Design guidelines

To help you get started and avoid common design mistakes with metal 3D printing, we have combined our best 'tips & tricks' in this handy design guide. This contains all general design guidelines that can be useful when designing a metal 3D printed product.

Editing capabilities

When the product comes out of the 3D printer, there are many post-processing options available to realize your vision. In addition to the standard surface treatment that we carry out for all our products (removal of support, sanding and glass bead cleaning), the options vary from heat treatment and polishing to machining operations such as 5-axis CNC milling or multi-axis CNC turning. Our 'services' overview provides a complete overview of all services that Mobius can offer.